Tips & Tricks
To A Healthy and Happy You!

Peels are commonly regarded as something to be thrown away (or hopefully composted).
However, research has made it abundantly clear that most ORGANIC fruit and vegetable peels are not only edible, they also contain truly outstanding health benefits.
Eating ORGANIC produce with the peel on can double or triple its nutrients. Peels are also packed with fiber and antioxidants.
Most of these peels can be left on while cooking (zucchini or potato) or while eating (apple or pear).
As for citrus peels, grate the zest to add to recipes and smoothies. For kiwi, remove the fuzz by scraping it with a spoon or rubbing it with a cloth then slice it thinly to get small amounts of the peel at a time.
BOOM! Just like that, you are nutrient-packed, supplying health and happiness to your body, inside and out!

Ways to Manifest Your Day:
Journal- visualize and write out your day. Get detailed,. Believe in yourself, your goals, and your cause.
Meditate - Calmly energize yourself for the day. Visualize, feel the day, the smells, use all your senses. Feel your fingertips, your breaths, believe in yourself.
Yoga - as you stretch your body, align your chakras. Mentally travel through your day with an open heart.
Grounding - before you start your day, take a walk outside, barefoot, in the fresh morning dew, embracing the moisture as it soaks into your skin, connecting you with the Earth, grounding you with the power and strength you need for the day in peaceful balance.