Water Is Your Best Friend
*Benefits, Facts, and Recipes*

Most of us already know that water is essential for every cell and every organ of our body. In general, water brings us benefits to help us both physically and mentally:
Water reduces joint pain by lubricating them.
Water helps to maintain blood pressure.
Water supports the kidneys in regulating fluid in the body.
Water boosts energy levels.
Water can improve your mood.
But did you know that different waters help with different things?

"It’s A Water Thing"
Most of us already know that water is essential for every cell and every organ of our body.
In general, water brings us benefits to help us both physically and mentally:
Water reduces joint pain by lubricating them.
Water helps to maintain blood pressure.
Water supports the kidneys in regulating fluid in the body.
Water boosts energy levels.
Water can improve your mood.
HONEY WATER – Has incredible healing properties because it is an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, and has antimicrobial properties.
Medical Benefits of Honey:
Help the digestive system and an upset stomach.
Boosts the immune system, protecting against many ailments.
Helps get rid of and prevent allergies and their symptoms.
Relieves cough and soothes a sore throat.
Reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol levels.
Honey is safe for most people. If you are managing blood sugar levels, it should be taken in moderation. It does have calories, so it should be limited if you are watching your weight.
How to make Honey Water:
Heat 1 cup water in a small saucepan until you start to see steam. (Warming it up just enough to dissolve the honey.)
Put water in a glass or mug, then stir in honey.
ROSE WATER – It has been used for millennia and originates in Iran.
Medical benefits of Rose Water:
Treats sore throats.
Has powerful antiseptic properties to treat infections.
Contains antioxidants that can prevent cell damage.
Has antianxiety and antidepressant qualities.
Helps with digestion, and relieves digestive discomfort.
How to make Rose Water:
Add 1 tablespoon of rosebuds and/or petals to a pan with 1 cup of water. Cover, and turn on high heat for 5 minutes or until a gentle simmer. Turn down to medium-low and simmer for 30 minutes. Take off the heat, and remove the lid. Let it fully cool before straining it through a fine mesh strainer/sieve. Poor in glass, enjoy!
*You can drink as much as you like and also add it to recipes. It can be stored for up to 1 week in the fridge in an airtight container.
FENNEL WATER – Widely used for medicinal purposes, quite popular these days.
Benefits of Fennel Water:
Can reduce inflammation.
Promotes production of gastric enzymes that improve digestion.
Contains vitamin A which helps with eyesight, can prevent glaucoma.
Good for a cold or the flu as it clears mucus from airways.
Helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
Contains antioxidants that can lower risk of developing chronic medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and neurological.
How to make Fennel Water:
Add 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds to a glass and pour 1 cup of filtered water over them. Cover, let sit overnight, or approximately 24 hours. Strain water out an it is ready to drink! (Up to 1 serving per day.)
LEMON WATER – A common way many start their day.
Benefits of Lemon Water:
Contains vitamin C, which is a primary antioxidant that helps fight free radicals.
Aids in digestion and prevents constipation because it is a laxative.
The citric acid content can prevent kidney stones and break down small stones.
Flavonoids reduce inflammation, which lowers risk of developing arthritis, cancer, and diabetes.
Can improve metabolism, leaving you feel fuller longer.
How to make Lemon Water: Squeeze a lemon straight into your water.
*** Erodes tooth enamel, should drink through a straw, rinse mouth out with plain water after, and don’t brush your teeth for 1 hour after because enamel will be softened from the citric acid.
*** Best taken on an empty stomach.
ROSEMARY WATER – Many beneficial health properties such as being antimicrobial, anti- inflammatory, and antioxidant.
Benefits of Rosemary Water:
Prevents death of brain cells, protecting against neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease.
Contains polyphenolic compounds, which protect against imflammation, lowering the risk of developing cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
The carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid in rosemary help yo lower blood sugar levels.
It’s a mood booster and can lower anxiety levels if taken regularly.
Can help with weight loss.